EP Resources Compliance policy framework defines the core principles for sustainability and is composed of governance, policies, processes, measurement, and procedures.
The governance structure provides a mechanism for communication, oversight and guidance and is being reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
EP Resources Compliance Committee is a unit created to focus on the Know your Customer (KYC) process. It reviews and either approves or rejects new counterparties for EP Resources. If the committee approves a new counterparty, the Risk Management starts with the credit limit analysis. Then, it presents the recommended credit limit to the Group Risk Committee or the approval authority within EP Resources delegated by Group Risk Committee.
We commit to standards of behavior and code of conduct, setting it as a practical value for its day-to-day business and making all employees personally responsible for the performance and reputation of EP Resources, ensuring a good relationship with all its stakeholders.
We ensure compliance with all applicable tax laws and regulations, within the framework of fulfilling the corporate interest and supporting a long-term business strategy that avoids tax risks and inefficiencies in the implementation of business decisions.
We adhere to prevent EP Resources, Employees and Business Partners from being exposed to Financial Crime. This involves identifying the potential areas where Financial Crime may occur, strengthening procedures to minimize the risk as well as complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.
Risk management at EP Resources is composed of governance, policies, processes, measurement, and procedures. The governance structure provides a mechanism for communication, oversight and guidance. Independent trading risk oversight is the direct responsibility of the Risk Management. However, EP Resources’s entire risk governance is structured to ensure a sound risk control environment.
We act in line with the relevant labor codes, applicable legal regulations and internal policies ensuring an equal opportunities, healthy environment, safety at work, freedom of association, talent and training.
EP Resources and/or its Employees does not establish or maintain business relations or process any transactions for/on behalf of sanctioned persons, entities or countries.
We are committed to conducting our business activities in an environmentally safe and responsible manner. To ensure that we uphold this commitment to the environment, all the positive or negative impacts are monitored. EP Resources aims to decrease adverse effects and to improve positive imprints on the environment.